We put a little magic into every project


Pre-study work is instrumental to accurate qualitative research. We carefully structure projects to run smoothly and discover golden opportunities for creating a successful brand alchemy with consumers.


Capabilities include:

  • Thoughtful study design
  • Well structured screeners
  • Recruiting for clean data
  • In-depth discussion guides
  • Great participant communication
  • Timely client response and updates


Alchemy brings a little magic to every project.  We specifIcally tailor every study to identify fresh insights to inform your brand’s chemistry. What’s more, we love a good challenge.  Especially when it comes to niche markets and solving difficult recruiting problems.

Capabilities include:

  • Mobile diaries
  • Video ethnographies
  • Communities bulletin boards
  • Traditional and non-traditional focus groups
  • Web cam focus groups
  • Hybrid studies
  • Qual + Quant


We gather, organize, analyze, and combine all that rich data to piece together validated insight into developing a brand’s alchemy.

Alchemy delivers actionable written and video final reports that provide a strategy blueprint for creating brand magic.

Would you Like a Pre-Proposal?

Alchemy A La Carte

In a pinch for some qualitative research support?  Have a portion of a project that requires a particular expertise?  Alchemy is here for you!

We come up to speed quickly and can seamlessly patch in with your team.  Our individual support services for non-Hispanic and Hispanic projects include

  • Study design
  • Discussion guides
  • Fieldwork
  • Data organizing