Methods and Techniques For Transformational Insight
Alchemy Keeps It Real
We get accurate insights by designing methodologies and techniques that bring out genuine responses. Alchemy gets past knee-jerk answers to discover what people really think, feel, or why they behave the way they do. It takes going beyond words because people often can’t use them to describe those things. We use techniques that help people to communicate their beliefs, perceptions, and true values.
Gestault Thinking
What creates the big picture of what truly unites and connects a swath of people? It’s an alchemy of factors. But it takes more than just designing the right approach and technique to discover those important factors. It also means figuring out how those pieces fit together for an insightful overview to inform brand alchemy.

Participant Chemistry
Alchemy has a knack for sparking geniune participant conversations, interactions, and engagement. The result is accurate, high value insight to guide a strategy to guide brand to a place only it can own.
A reaction can’t happen without interaction. That’s why we find ways to stimulate a high level of interaction between group respondents. It also mitigates paricipant drop off. We are proud to say Alchemy’s attendence rate is between 83 and 96 percent.

Nothing is more magical than humans
No brand can discover its magic without tapping into the surprising magic of people. Alchemy discovers the special way certain groups of people tick. That’s what signals a bona fide presence to a niche market. What can give a brand an undefinable magnetic pull. Everything you need to know for your brand to shine like a beacon.
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